Hello there , I'm Ramsha Sayyed

Frontend Developer

With a passion for technology and a strong desire to learn, I am dedicated to honing my skills in areas such as programming, networking, and system administration.

About Me

Frontend Developer!

I am currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Information Technology (IT). With a passion for technology and a strong desire to learn, I am dedicated to honing my skills in areas such as programming, networking, and system administration. Through coursework and personal projects, I am building a foundation in IT concepts while also exploring emerging trends in the field.

My Journey


2022 - 2025

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), Information Technology - Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College

2019 - 2021

Senior Secondary (XII), Science - Ramniranjan Jhunjhunwala College

Completed in 2019

Vidya mandir English High School


2021 - 2022

Speedscape Car Game

Our speed-scape car racing game offers an immersive experience for players to enjoy the thrill of high-speed racing alone. The game provides entertainment and challenges for solo players.

2022 - 2023

Hotel Management System

This project concentrates on building a website for a hotel. The website is based on html, CSS , JavaScript and makes use of basic jquery. It focuses on giving the costumer all the information about the hotel and its services. The website gives details of rooms with pictures and also supports a customer feedback system.

My Skills

Coding Skills

HTML 95%

CSS 80%


JAVA 75%

Professional Skills

Web Design 85%

Web Development 80%

Contact Me!